Count Digits in a Number

Count Digits in a Number


This document explains a simple C++ function countDigit that counts the number of digits in a given integer.

countDigit Function

The countDigit function takes an integer as input and returns the count of its digits.

int countDigit(int n);

How it Works

The function uses a while loop to repeatedly divide the given number by 10 until it becomes 0. The process is as follows:

  1. Initialize a counter variable to 0.

  2. Enter a while loop that continues as long as the number is not equal to 0.

  3. Inside the loop, divide the number by 10.

  4. Increase the counter by 1 for each division.

  5. Repeat the process until the number becomes 0.

  6. Return the final count.


Suppose we have the number 1234:

  1. 1234 / 10 = 123.4 (stored as 123) → Counter: 1

  2. 123 / 10 = 12.3 (stored as 12) → Counter: 2

  3. 12 / 10 = 1.2 (stored as 1) → Counter: 3

  4. 1 / 10 = 0.1 (stored as 0) → Counter: 4

The function would return 4 as the count of digits.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

int count_digits( int n )
   int x = n; int count =0;
   while( x !=0 ) 
       x = x / 10;
   return count;

int main() {
    int number = 1234;
    int result = count_digits(number);

    std::cout << "Number of digits in " << number << " is: " << result << std::endl;

    return 0;